1. Add your website host/domain as valid referer here
2. Save the changes
<script type="text/javascript" src="//www.pagelr.com/Scripts/pglr-autoimg.js"></script>
<img style="width:400px;height:300px" pglr-uri="www.example.com/path/page.htm" />
The only required value you need to add is the pglr-uri="<your url here>"
attribute, but we recommend that you also specify width and height.
With our pglr-autoimg.js
script you quickly get up and running in a few minutes with very visual pages.
Below we show some examples how easy it is to adapt the visuals to your needs.
Our service enables many more advanced options via our RESTFul API, as you can see with our API Builder tool, or check out our API documentation.
<img class="pglr" style="width:300px;height:200px" pglr-uri="www.followus.com" pglr-delay="3000" />
<img class="pglr" style="width:400px;" pglr-uri="crayon.co" pglr-format="jpg" />
<img class="pglr" style="width:500px;height:375px;" pglr-uri="www.wochit.com" pglr-javascript="false" pglr-retina />
(max supported is 4.0)
For a full page length screenshot, simply leave out the height and the screenshot image generated is automically the entire height of the web page.
This examples also add a 9 seconds delay (9000 milliseconds) , to allow the javascript on the page to load more content.
<img class="pglr loading" style="width:400px;" pglr-uri="www.apple.com" pglr-delay="9000" />